Yuguang 'Roger' Shi




Yuguang ‘Roger’ Shi, Ph.D.

Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long Distinguished Chair in Metabolic Biology, Professor of Pharmacology, Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, and UTHSCSA

Personal Statement:

Aging is the primary driving force for the development of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and other aging-related diseases. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly identified.
Dr. Yuguang (Roger) Shi’s lab focuses on translational aspects of aging-related metabolic diseases using molecular, cellular, metabolic, and transgenic approaches. Our work has recently identified a critical missing link between mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and the onset of various aging-related diseases, paving the way for the development of novel treatment for these pathogenic conditions.
We are also uncovering novel signaling pathways that regulates glucose-sensing by pancreatic beta cells, since a loss of glucose responsiveness by pancreatic beta cell is a major pathological event that triggers the onset of type 2 diabetes. The lab is recruiting graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.


Ph.D., Molecular Biology, Australian National University, Australia, 1992
M.S., Genetics, University of New England, Australia, 1986
B.S., Animal Science, Northwestern A&F University, China, 1982

Lab Members

John-Paul Andersen
Graduate Student


Complete List of Published Work in MyBibliography: